Argue Morgan talks to her daughter Arielle during their daughters softball game in Durham, North Carolina. Their two daughters Katana and Jazz do many activities together because of their similar age.
Argue Morgan talks to her daughter Arielle during their daughters softball game in Durham, North Carolina. Their two daughters Katana and Jazz do many activities together because of their similar age.
Arielle waits for the machine to read her daughters blood sugar levels after getting home from work. Katana was diagnosed with type one diabetes as an infant.
Arielle, back left, and her daughter, Katana, right, and two year old son Dominique walk with her mother, Arque, center, and sister, Jazz, around the neighborhood as they raise money for a walk to support type one diabetes.
Arielle Morgan comforts her son, Dominique, 2, with a bottle after he fell while playing in the living room.
Arielle Morgan gets her height measured during a meeting to renew her WIC vouchers that she receives for her 2 year old son. October, 21, 2015. Durham, N.C.
Arielle lowers her head while she waits with her mother, Arque, to finish getting her vitals taken during her WIC renewal appointment.
Arielle waits outside for her daughter and sister to arrive home from school while her son Dominique plays in the yard.
Arielle changes Dominique diaper in his room while Jazz, center, and Katana run down the hallway after getting home from school.
Arielle rests her head as shemcounts down the last few minutes before getting off work from a late shift at the At Home store in Durham, N.C.. Arielle recently had to pick up a third job in order to support her children.
Arielle checks her social media accounts on her phone while walking to work at the Healthy Home Market. Because the family shares a vehicle and Arque takes the daughters to school, Arielle is forced to leave her house at 6am and walk two miles to work each day.
Jazz, 8, Dominique, 2, and Katana, 8, left to right, dance around in the kitchen while Arielle tried to unwind after getting home from work.
Arielle embraces her daughter Katana, 8, after she gets home from school. Katana was born with type 1 diabetes and wears a insulin pump on her arm. Arielle says that she could not afford Katanas medical bills when she was born and considers it one of the reasons that she stayed at home after Katana was born.